The pastoral scene was shockingly different from the darkness of space and the sparkle of starlight that she was so used to seeing.
There loomed behind him a large panel, with a shockingly different aspect to it from any of his other work.
The singer is a big fan of her new album and her new, shockingly different look.
A shockingly different and rather more cold-blooded explanation for the spouse-murder syndrome comes not from sociology but sociobiology.
Its appearance is shockingly different from today's motorcycles.
The galleries offering this print advertised it at shockingly different prices.
Though he looked shockingly different in just a mustache, the funny was still there, proving there's no Samson-like connection between his beard and his hilarity.
Although the two movements are shockingly different on the surface, their overall shape is remarkably similar.
The general emotional texture was the same as he had de-tected from the other survivor, but the content was shockingly different.
Stanza three's shockingly different mythology prepares us for 'This withered root'.