I had, of course, seen a great variety of wounds and injuries, doing field nursing, but there was something about these scars that seemed shockingly brutal.
It was shockingly brutal.
The question, so calmly delivered and yet so unexpected and shockingly brutal, knocked the wind from Ruth's already emotionally bruised body.
A few tense words are exchanged before he throws hot coffee in her face and starts a shockingly brutal beatdown.
Even during the highly publicised and shockingly brutal recent Petit murder case in Connecticut, where the two perpetrators were sentenced to death, the Hartford Courant condemned "hugely wasteful" spending on "a system that doesn't work".
The government of the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, is rife with corruption, and the regional warlord allies it depends on to control outlying areas are even more thieving as well as shockingly brutal.
Shockingly brutal, but honest cartoon, Steve.
Unbeknownst to them, a shockingly brutal storm is slowly gaining steam.
The duel itself remains a shockingly brutal episode at the very origin of the United States, pitting Burr, a sitting vice president, against Hamilton in a lethal battle stemming from gossip, mutual acrimony and profoundly different visions of government.
Third, Anita learns of a series of shockingly brutal rapes and murders, apparently committed by a shapeshifter serial killer.