Uncertain what to say or how to react in the face of such a shocking confession, Julia merely nodded and murmured, "I see."
Strictly adhering to formula, the defense bar has produced a shocking confession from a criminal who - coincidentally - can no longer be prosecuted for the attack.
As she admitted to Brother Cadfael in a shocking confession:
The film opens with a man being interviewed about his sister, who has recorded a video diary in which she makes a shocking confession to her friends and family.
Tilda Swinton recently made the shocking confession that she tried to kill her baby brother when she was about 5 years old.
If they were surprised by what happened, as spokesmen assert, that's a shocking confession of laxity.
Our conversation took place a few weeks after Susan Smith's shocking confession.
As they were conversing casually, Rain made a shocking confession.
He tries to talk to her, when Fiona has a shocking confession to make.
When Doug's parents return for a visit from America they make the shocking confession that Doug's father is ill.