The shocking announcement came at the end of another dismal week for the telecommunications equipment industry.
However, the judges made a shocking announcement that there would be a double elimination.
During the enthusiastic curtain calls, he came onstage and melodramatically made the shocking announcement amidst the applause.
No New Contract The statement does not rate as a shocking announcement.
Instead of the immediate condemnation that was the only appropriate response to such a shocking announcement, Edward merely nodded.
"The chief engineer greeted me with this shocking announcement: 'Allison, I can't buy the remainder of the motors from you.' "
Takahashi made the shocking announcement that he was to change is short program entirely to Moonlight Sonata.
After the game, and the shocking announcement, Jasmine Cox asked her son what he would do.
In a shocking announcement on January 6, 2000, Park River announced the closing of the park for the 2000 season.