I was shocked to learn that his offspring "take showers many times a day, for extended periods of time"!
He shocked white officers with his strong call for the right of freed blacks to own land.
He failed that time, but the sight of Kurds dying in the mountain passes shocked the world, for a while.
The officers were shocked for one to five seconds, with the average being 2.4 seconds.
The sudden sound of her voice shocked him for some reason.
We will give Arbonne a story to be shocked about for a month or so, no more than that.
But suddenly it did something which shocked out of all reason, for the thing that it was.
In contemplating what shocked their instincts for truth they have lost that which was both true and beautiful.
Tallis was shocked for a moment, and remained quite still.
And 51 percent use public transportation - a higher number, it should not shock you, than for any other city in the Top 10.