In 1918 came the football section, the team wore a white shirt decorated with the coat of arms of Savoy.
On the appointed Saturday, the customer was changed out of a shirt decorated with M & M's residue.
Floating in the doorway of his cabin was a shimmering translucent figure, an old man wearing a buckskin shirt decorated with fingers of bone.
Later he becomes infected, puts on a shirt decorated with a St. George cross, and becomes a leader for infected adults.
He wore a traditional red Chinese shirt decorated with dragons, and sipped a cup of beer through a straw.
"They wore shirts decorated with scalps."
He wore a nondescript black suit with a white shirt decorated by a black silk tie.
"I got it in Boston," she said of her shirt, decorated with come-hither geishas.
The objectionable youth was looking particularly pale and pimply in a flamboyant shirt decorated with giant tulips.
He wore a bright shirt, decorated with garish bananas and pineapples.