He found himself with access to a commercial shipping facility.
The Terminal Warehouse building, an old shipping facility, is a monumental structure that takes up an entire city block.
This location afforded the company greatly increased capacity along with favorable shipping facilities and options.
"We might settle for conquest in name only, provided there is no public denial, and the shipping facilities of the rings were made available to us."
By 1839, Williamstown had large shipping facilities including a pier and government stores all built by convict labour.
Production takes place at this location, the shipping facility is in the same area.
Not to be confused with the Port of Shenzhen, the shipping facilities in the municipality.
The city became a prominent deep water port during the 1920s when many of the shipping facilities that exist today were constructed.
It is home to the Port of Boston, a major shipping facility in the northeast.
It was renovated in the years 2005 - 2006 and functions as a shipping facility.