L Map A flash boutique that looks like it was shipped straight from Rodeo Drive.
But nearly ALL of them get shipped straight to France.
So gets the last rites with her sins all forgiven and she's shipped straight to Heaven, pure as Ivory soap.
For eight years, there was always another great kid, and sometimes they seemed to have been shipped straight from Dakar or Port of Spain or Aba.
I shall demand that you all be shipped straight back to your wretched hovels in Barbadior!
The air has been shipped straight in from Siberia.
KZ 5 was completed shortly after KZ 3 and was shipped straight to Fremantle.
The pink shirt- and bluejean-clad crew of waiters could easily have been shipped straight from Manhattan's supply of part-time actors.
He had had the beans shipped straight from Jamaica, and he kept them in the freezer so they'd stay fresh.