The coal brought the steam railroad to town, which allowed for the transport of many tons of coal to be shipped daily from Belleville to St. Louis.
During peak growing seasons, as many as 48 carloads of citrus fruits, olives, and walnuts were shipped daily from the Orange depot as well.
Mr. Esteban, who worked in flower wholesaling for 12 years, says the global marketplace and improved shipping mean that fresh flowers are shipped to the city daily.
Nineteen million litres of freshwater are shipped daily to Nassau by barge through the pumping station located in Morgan's Bluff.
Since then, students have been eating in the auditorium; their food is shipped daily from other schools.
The peak harvesting season in California runs from April through June, when up to 10 million pint baskets of strawberries are shipped daily.
Labour forces were shipped across borders daily.
Milk and dairy products were shipped daily to both Kingston and Toronto, and regular passenger service was also available.
All foods served at the restaurants are produced in one facility in Downtown San Antonio, and are then shipped to each location daily.
For now, page negatives are shipped here daily from Miami.