With their superior shipbuilding capacity the Dutch could always make quicker repairs.
Forced by the rapidly growing German imperial navy it became necessary to enlarge shipbuilding capacities.
The shipyard is in close proximity to Korea and Japan, an area that accounts for 80% of the global shipbuilding capacity.
The situation along the Druuf front has demanded a rapid expansion of our shipbuilding capacity.
Vinashin was the largest shipbuilder in Vietnam, accounting for approximately 80% of shipbuilding capacity.
More," Demas said, "it didn't understand the shipbuilding capacity of an enemy with no social debt.
The construction of the enterprise had its origins in the first 5-year plan when the decision was made to significantly expand shipbuilding capacity.
Thus, the industry's argument that shipbuilding capacity cannot fall any further without seriously threatening American strategic interests has gained strength.
Many shipyards were closed and the shipbuilding capacity had to be reduced.
The trio were all dockyard-built in order to utilise spare shipbuilding capacity.