Vanes tacked and backed as the ship wove a path among half-hidden bark sheets and masses of ancient mud.
Isolated chunks of solid matter bounced off the cruiser's deflectors, while the ship gracefully wove through an obstacle course composed of larger rocky fragments.
Mazer's ship went on, dodged the shock wave, and wove his way among tOe other bugger ships.
The ship weaved and darted about, the air exploding around it.
His ship weaved through the fire from the Fury ships.
Ahead, the two leading ships were weaving this way and that through a stretch of boiling rapids, their masts rocking to and fro like metronomes.
During the nightmare journey all sense of orientation had been lost as the ship, like a questing mote, had weaved its way on a tortuous path.
The surviving ships weaved and darted along vermicular paths, but their tracks were unerringly defined by their common objective-the Tasmania.
The Enterprise armament lashed out at the raiders, and once more the ships bobbed and weaved with alacrity.
Pias's ship darted and wove an intricate pattern through the upper levels of Newforest's atmosphere, and the interceptors followed awkwardly behind him.