The sturdily built ship could weather every storm and even tack in force 9 winds.
The ship weathered the storm, and managed to reach Scotland to complete its mission by September 26.
That was my soul's wish, and I would go back with Ragnar the Younger, my friend, who still lived because his ship had weathered the storm.
On 9 October, while still en route to Leyte, the ship weathered a severe typhoon.
The ships weathered a hurricane before reaching Cuban waters safely on 17 September.
I can promise you, the web will hold, and the ship will weather the storm.
Alone, the ship could weather any transit, but its hull would end up battered, the mirror fields ground down to so much bright hot dust.
This year the Harborfest features the turnaround cruise of the Constitution, performed so the ship will weather evenly.
The ship of state has weathered another storm.
For most of the remainder of the voyage, the ship weathered heavy gales that lasted from two to three days at a stretch.