Along with other nations, French warships conducted boarding operations against ships suspected of breaking the sanctions against Iraq.
But envoys said the new wording would give naval commanders wide leeway in blocking ships suspected of carrying oil or other goods to Iraq.
This was one of the ships suspected of carrying three separate German expeditions to Greenland.
But until the latest United Nations action, they were not authorized to halt and search those ships suspected of breaking the embargo.
The webcam ... they're monitoring ships suspected of drug-trafficking on the canal.
A ship suspected of carrying illegal drugs, for example, may be searched.
The Sibilla sought to stop and inspect the ship suspected of containing irregular migrants.
The United States does not have the authority to board any ship suspected of carrying missiles.
Any ships suspected of smuggling were to be boarded and sent into Santa Cruz.
And the Pentagon announced that any ships suspected of secreting fugitives from Pakistan would be stopped and searched.