Escaping in the confusion, his ship spirals out of control.
The ship spiraled down, taking its predetermined time, and they waited with what patience and tension their separate natures provided.
The ship was spiraling downward, faster and faster; Arcturus loomed ever closer on the overhead.
He was in his quarters the entire time as the ship spiraled lower and lower, deeper into Venus's hot, dense atmosphere.
The ship picked up her pattern and spiraled in.
Somehow, through it all, the incoming ship spiraled toward the aqua planet.
The ship spiraled away from the planetoid, flattening the orbital curve to very nearly a straight line as Kirk ordered maximum acceleration.
Then the ships that had fired spiraled back out to the outermost layer to be replaced by fresh ships.
The ship spiralled past three close-together planets that were habitable, and then sped off to interstellar vastness without investigating the others.
As the ship spiraled in toward the dying planet, Spock had abandoned his post, his duty.