The ship smashed through the tops of the trees.
A ship like that, of 22,000 tons, with specially strengthened bows, can smash through ice 12 feet thick.
The out-of-control ship had smashed recklessly into one of the helicopters.
There was a ship," he said evenly, "some ship which tried to smash me out here.
The ship's anchors didn't hold and the ship smashed on the pier-head of the port.
The ship smashed through the asteroid, spattering it across space and taking little damage.
Again the ship smashed into a gravitational shift, sending the room sideways.
So the small ship smashed into the Navy cruiser's screens and through them.
He was still hanging on when the ship smashed into the side of the cruiser.
The huge ship, with its two mule drives shoving it, smashed into the moon's surface and exploded.