Captain Liu Buchan ordered the ship scuttled, before committing suicide on the surrender of the Beiyang Fleet by Admiral Ding Ruchang.
However, the German situation was hopeless, having run out of fuel and ammunition, and by the time the remaining British ships arrived the German crews had abandoned and scuttled their ships.
With fires burning below decks, Captain Looff, now wounded along with many of his crew, ordered the ship scuttled.
The damaged ship scuttled back into darkness, its neon patterning flickering spastically like a short-circuiting firefly.
The ship scuttled before the wind, Hed grew small, blurred in the distance.
Despite whether or not the Germans scuttled their ship or whether the British sank the raider, the British were still responsible for the raiders' end.
The Guardian reported that he desired to see the ship towed off the Ile de Ré and scuttled, as Jacques-Yves Cousteau had envisioned would have been the ship's original fate had he not been granted its use.
Both ships scuttled themselves to avoid capture.
As the French worked their way up the channel toward Newport, Pigot ordered the remaining ships scuttled to hamper French access to Newport's harbor.
The suggested method of capture was to quickly manoeuvre in close and deploy a boarding party before the ship could scuttle.