Certainly, from what I had read, no ship of the old days ever proceeded so sadly and blunderingly to sea.
The ship could absorb this kind of damage and still proceed under her own power, were she fresh from the dockyard.
All four ships would then proceed to the Cambra system.
At 11:20 am, the ships proceeded to land and storm the forts.
When this is done, your ship will proceed to a world of the Empire, and there surrender.
Naturally the ship could not proceed without emergency repairs.
A ship cannot proceed toward its destination with two pilots struggling for the controls.
After discharging her passengers there, the ship proceeded to the Philippines.
It is necessary that this ship and her cargo proceed directly to Galveston/ she said softly.
On 22 February the ship reached 70 25'S, but could proceed no further because of heavy ice.