"But I don't think-" the ship jolted into place with a loud clang.
He fired, and the ship jolted as energy left its weapons, but not nearly strongly enough to indicate any significant firepower.
The ship jolted through the storm as tendrils of plasma lighting lashed out at the vessel.
One night the ship jolted and the alarm rang.
It was about two seconds' worth of warning, and Soleta hoped that that was enough time, for the ship suddenly jolted.
The ship was jolted, shaken throughout, and it was all that the bridge crew could do to keep its seats.
Then the ship jolted, bucked almost into a roll, and Kirk flashed his attention back to the helm to fight for control of the spin.
The ship jolted to one side, throwing him headfirst into the side of the latch.
The whole ship jolted sideways and "rang" somehow.
The hull moaned and the whole ship jolted.