Avellaneda immediately ordered his ships hoist their flags and attack.
The ship hoisted two flags half-mast and fired a shot, to which Renommée responded by flying her colours.
Immediately, the ship hoisted the Union Jack and gave chase.
With the tiniest sail the ship could hoist, still every blast seemed likely to unmast her.
"And yes, all the ships have hoisted what I suppose is the answering pendant."
The ship hoisted the international flag code F when the decision was made to launch.
The ship came up at 5.50 that evening, hoisted English colours and fired a shot, before changing tack.
The final ship in the convoy gave in as it was raided and hoist a white flag.
At first dawn, the unknown ships hoisted British colors and prepared for battle.
Both ships hoisted lanterns to their maintops, to enable them the better to keep night stations on each other.