An industry newsletter said that Ameridose was shipping drugs without waiting the 14 days it took for the sterility test results to come back.
Helse had been used to convey a message of some kind, perhaps to a pirate-and here were pirates shipping drugs and seeking children.
These officials said they have long suspected that planes, trucks and mules ferrying American military equipment into Afghanistan are also used to ship drugs to Pakistan.
Their aim is to make it easier to ship drugs and other exports abroad.
The company, however, shipped drugs to multiple states, and thus was manufacturing and allegedly operating outside of their legal boundaries.
The company pleaded guilty to shipping unapproved drugs and was fined $500,000.
He was quoted as urging "European and American countries to take action" in the province, which borders Afghanistan and is used to ship drugs to Europe.
But it now appears that the only traffickers who ran into trouble were those who tried to ship drugs without cutting him in.
How convenient to prevent access to cheap Canadian drugs by saying there's the possibility that terrorists will ship tainted drugs to us.
According to court papers, Bindley Western shipped discounted drugs to pharmacies even though company managers knew the drugs would be illegally resold.