"The goal is to be able to ship documents around the world in completely electronic form," he said.
Cuneiform tablets were constantly moving around the ancient Near East, offering alliances (sometimes including daughters for marriage), threatening war, acting as shipping documents for mundane supplies or settling accounts receivable.
Q. If your growth is going to come from shipping goods made elsewhere and shipping documents via electrons rather than messengers, what does that say about the prospects for jobs in the United States?
According to law enforcement officials, shipping documents and invoices from the airport interceptions and other information collected by investigators support Glaxo's estimates.
The Federal Transportation Department has strict rules, adopted almost verbatim by many states, including New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, regulating the construction of propane truck tanks, shipping documents and warnings on tanks containing hazardous materials.
The court must also consider the defendant's vast resources compared with the plaintiff's limited resources as an aggrieved individual: See Wiwa at 107: "defendants have not demonstrated that these costs [of shipping documents and witnesses] are excessively burdensome, especially in view of defendant's vast resources".
In order to save money early on, many of these trips were made as a "courier" for companies that used a passenger's baggage allowance to inexpensively ship valuable documents and cargo.
Insurance obtained must cover only those goods that are being sold and stipulated in shipping documents.
It cost too much to ship most paper over interstellar distances, but executable documents, currency, and personal mail still needed to be paper (or plastic or metal) at both ends of the process, for varying reasons.
In the Panama case, names of suppliers were removed from shipping documents as they passed from one entity to the next, according to records and investigators.