So empty, Davos thought, remembering how it had been before, with the ships crowding every quay and rocking at anchor off the breakwater.
There was some suspicion among the blockade runners whose ships still crowded the harbor, waiting for supplies.
The ship still smelled of too many people crowded too close for too long.
All the ships crowded the harbour now, their banners waving in the light breeze that had come up almost as soon as we set foot on the cobblestones of the quay.
The French ships were crowding sail as though they had not a care in the world.
Up there in the windy darkness atop the tower, the small ship of the Futuremen crowded the deck.
The shining new ship crowded the subterranean canyon.
Running the ship crowded, Tregare found, seemed to cause a lot of small hassles.
It is built around several fjord-like inlets, with the ships of both the Ukrainian Navy and the Russian Black Sea Fleet crowding the anchorages.
By 1844 up to five hundred ships at a time crowded round Ichaboe Isle.