She was one of seven ships chosen to visit Australia, 29 April-13 May, for the 1963 Coral Sea celebration.
Reluctantly, Terrell Ragan changed Loose Goose back to Trujillo-for his was the ship chosen.
The four ships chosen for conversion were Agincourt, Aisne, Barrosa and Corunna.
They embarked in the barges and the six ships chosen to ascend the river and capture Tuxpan.
Ramps and stalls were built on the four ships chosen to carry animals.
The ship chosen was captured British merchantman Rubens.
Navarch The head of the ship, chosen by the Bridge, which is a parliamentary body elected by the duly fran-chised shipmen.
Preussen was among those ships chosen to remain on active service with the newly reformed Reichsmarine.
Why was a damaged ship chosen for this mission?
Prize crew is a term used to indicate a number of crew members of a ship chosen to take over the operations of a captured ship.