But it was a lost cause and by now, surely, Frank would have a shiny dome on top of his head - or maybe a toupee.
His father placed the hat atop his shiny dome and thanked him, laughing.
He was in his sixties, a flat cap perched above a shiny dome of a head.
On the screen: a huge shaved head, the dome shiny with sweat.
The Swordsman bowed his nose until it almost touched the snow to show a shiny dome, without a single hair.
This tower stood at the base of a large, open Yeerk pool and was covered with a shiny dome.
For the sake of a shiny dome, people are losing an opportunity to vote and have a say in their government.
"Look," he said to me, seeking affirmation by lowering his shiny pink dome.
He tapped the skull thoughtfully on its brown, shiny dome.
Almost every village and city suburb is building, has just built or has plans to build, a stone church with shiny domes.