On the 13th floor of a shiny building that resembles a hip flask, this sauna provides unbeatable views.
They've got a beautiful shiny building in Beijing, and they're saying, ah, well, maybe this is not where we should be.
On a sunny day, the view from the walk includes shimmering water, shiny buildings, sailboats & speedboats.
That and new shiny buildings.
K Map This shiny modern building includes a host of entertainment options, including a concert hall, a sports bar and your traditional disco.
But most of these kids appear to live in the very big, very shiny, mostly very ugly buildings south and east of me.
And he said he saw the shiny new buildings as underscoring that gulf.
Berlin is an economic basket case - lots of shiny new buildings but not all that much shiny new economic activity.
Where there's an old school and people want a shiny new building, that's a luxury we can no longer afford.