Also there is a barn-and-farmhouse complex, with nearby shingled home, built by other landowners at the end of the 19th century.
Mr. Hoffman and his wife, Eve, lived with their two children, Melissa, 18, and Scott, 16, in a brown shingled, split-level home on a quiet cul-de-sac in Edison.
There, up a curving gravel driveway, stood the shingled home of Steve and Diane Jacobson.
Two blocks from the intersection in any direction are one- and two-story shingled homes with trimmed hedges, flower gardens and well-kept lawns.
He persuaded his parents to abandon their traditional shingled home here and construct a Techbuilt prefabricated house on a bluff.
Her shingled home sits across from a markedly less attractive structure across the street.
They put it in attractive vases in the guest rooms on the second floors of their weathered shingled homes.
Off-season their shingled homes are just a shade smokier than the blue-gray of the sea and a tone darker than the paler gray of the sky.
A ring road reveals an affluent neighborhood of 19th- and 20th-century shingled homes.
There were no signs of forced entry to the shingled, single-family, one-bedroom home, Officer Merri Pearsall, a police spokeswoman, said.