The storm had passed, and the moon was shining clearly once more.
The breeze lifted the mists and the city shone more clearly.
Stopping motion is the category of shooting in which high-speed films clearly shine.
The white line gleamed at his feet, shining brighter and more clearly with every step he took.
He spotted the inhabitants a moment later, moving along the shadows of the far wall, their warmer bodies shining clearly to him.
Indeed, all religions must be destroyed so that God could shine forth clearly.
Emil stared up at the sky, where a thousand stars shone clearly now through the frosty air.
The night was mild and the stars shone clearly.
The light of the newly-risen, waning moon shone through him clearly, and he cast no shadow.
The countless stars shone clearly over the tundra, making the open plain seem even more vast and empty.