On a balmy summer night, to seduce his wife in the fountain beneath shimmering stars.
He remembered that as the light caught the beads, each one appeared to erupt with a burst of white fire, making them look like shimmering stars.
The waters were still, the night sky clear and bright with shimmering stars.
She was a shimmering star in an otherwise dull sky.
And when they kissed with the firelight glowing, the stars shimmering, the faeries danced in the forest.
They moved across dark vaults beneath shimmering stars, the great sky river, perhaps to some tranquil end and perhaps equally to final black oblivion.
You get it near the edge of the disc when there's no cloud about-a sort of brilliant, shimmering star.
The Greeks say that the planets revolve around our globe much closer to it than the shimmering stars, which are an unimaginable distance away.
They held absolutely still around her, shimmering stars frozen in clear black ice.
His Venus was transposed from a shimmering star into just another planet.