She saw it all through a shimmering golden mist of excitement.
Slowly a scene appeared in the metal-bound ball of shimmering opal mist.
Then he took a step back and turned into a shimmering green mist.
The fog had become a white shimmering mist that promised the sun would burn through.
Within a day, it would be overpowering, Flies, hovering in a humming, shimmering mist, stirred at his approach.
A shimmering mist drew down around them - a swift and swirling mist.
Bernice could see, as if through a shimmering mist, the arcade of the terrace.
A shimmering mist began to fill the circle.
The light in there was faintly golden, and heady with motes of dust, they moved as through a shimmering mist.
The shimmering mists seemed to enfold, to dissipate it.