Immediately a large square, marked out in shimmering lines, appeared on the floor.
He looked out at the shimmering line of the desert.
From its muzzle a shimmering line of light reached toward Hanardy's head.
Suddenly a shimmering vertical line appeared in the air near her.
The screen was distorted, shimmering lines across it so that you had to try and work out the picture behind it.
He stepped across a faintly shimmering line on the ground.
A shimmering line of brightness coursed down her motionless back.
Stretching from Rincewind, out over the edge of the rocks and down into the hole, were two shimmering blue lines.
A shimmering line cut its way across the black expanse of the pleasure garden, like a bright fissure opening in the earth.
Very faintly, a shimmering line appeared, hanging in the air.