As he settled to the ground, Kryphon reappeared, wrapped in a shimmering green globe of light.
They had seldom seen It, and even then only in the form of small, shimmering globes of energy.
Some-a majority- were conveyed around its shimmering globe and set back on their way.
Yet when Greylock glanced up, the shimmering globe of the sun still filled the sky.
Without a word, the archmage waved his arm, and a shimmering green globe appeared in the air, several feet from the floor.
It was a silvery, five-feet-wide globe, complex patterns shimmering over its surface.
Pelias lifted a great shimmering globe from an ebony table.
And looking round he perceived innumerable shimmering globes of the same kind in every direction.
His mutilated body moved, inertia-less, in the shimmering globe of power.
The shimmering globe expanded before his eyes, appearing to draw ever nearer.