Her hair floated around her face in an ashen-blond, shimmering cloud.
But before him, about five feet away, a shimmering cloud, very visible in the gloom, made a curtain.
The new ship pulled out swiftly from behind a shimmering cloud and angled not toward us, but across our bow at an angle.
A shimmering cloud passed across his vision.
Behhind the wall was a jade vessel that took him as an immortal to the shimmering cloud.
Then one came down on him like a shimmering cloud to kill him.
In the smoke above the red triangle a pale standing form slowly began to coalesce within a shimmering cloud.
He saw only mist, great shimmering clouds of it, swirling and eerie in the pale flickering streetlight.
The sun sizzled through the haze, breaking it into shimmering clouds of color.
But now, before his mind could sort out these impressions, his eyes saw a shimmering white cloud moving across the room at him.