One might ask how much his talent for capturing ephemera, like the beams shimmering through the windows of the Palazzo Rezzonico, has to do with Impressionism.
It flickered across the room, and cast a shimmering beam upon the door of the wall safe from which those volumes had been taken.
He watched its shimmering blue beam of energy slam into the gigantic creature's body.
In the sun-filled room, with Dallben still meditating and showing no sign of stopping, Taran rose and moved through the shimmering beams.
The Palace remains an edifice of shimmering white, and light beams from its windows, from the innumerable lamps within its high-ceilinged corridors and halls.
A moment later a shimmering beam lanced out in front of the tiny ship and seemed to cut through space-time like a scalpel.
The nearby crystalline trees reflected the shimmering beam, which shot into the night with such intensity that I thought it would bisect the entire galaxy.
He was caught in the thin shimmering beam of the hypno-suggestive rays before his mind became aware what happened to him.
The moon rising over the horizon cast a shimmering beam on the water that pointed to them like a spotlight.
The shimmering golden beam burst through the side of the satchel and floored the unsuspecting Andorian in a single shot.