A spaghetti tangle of shimmering arcs and folds, bending the cosmic fabric through multiple-and sometimes partial -dimensions.
A chief reached out and caught it, danced a few ritual steps, then pitched it in a high, shimmering arc toward the eager women.
They tried loosing fire arrows in high shimmering arcs towards the Roman lines in the hope of glimpsing the nature of the Roman preparations.
As he spoke the final word, the blade in the attendant's hands flashed out and around in a shimmering arc.
Culain's swords were shimmering arcs of silver steel as he wove a terrible web of death among the warriors pushing forward.
They held their arms spread skyward, spraying shimmering arcs of magic into the circle.
A thin bank of clouds below the ridge mirrored the heavier layer overhead, but forests, grasslands, and the shimmering arcs of rivers were visible through the misty veil.
Always, just before she pulled herself awake, there was the glint of a knife, that shimmering arc as the blade swept down to work on her.
One of them leaped to his feet and shot wildly; their beams crisscrossed over the sled rails, exploding with a shimmering arc that illuminated the dreary, underground junkyard.
Some describe seeing one or more shimmering arcs of white or colored flashing lights.