Power shifted upward to management, as strikes were too risky in the early 1930s and the opportunity to find a better job had drastically narrowed.
There-" The surface under him flexed like a living thing and shifted upward, bringing his head up.
His gaze shifted upward to the carved dragon's head.
His eyes shifted upward quickly to Denise's face, and she felt herself blush.
One container was shifting upward, under pressure from beneath.
It shifted upward again and to the left.
Small brown brush held the dirt against the rise but their journey upward shifted sand beneath them nevertheless.
The captain's eyes shifted upward, and Buonarroti imagined him visualizing that romantic trip.
If there were a second point source, say above the first one, I would expect the three outgoing beams to also shift upward.
Robin shifted upward as the truck gained speed.