He settled onto her, but shifted part of his weight to the side.
Some customers who bought from both companies are likely to shift part of their purchasing elsewhere to make sure they have multiple sources of supplies.
But to suggest that the government should shift part of its welfare burden to churches, through tax-supported subsidies, is folly.
Like other companies, Primerica had previously tried to shift part of its medical costs to retirees.
The unions themselves acknowledge the resistance, but also shift part of the blame to the decline of blue-collar work.
Instead, it periodically shifts part of its internals to layer fifteen, where they transmit a very short burst.
We must avoid any question of joint and several liability, which would shift part of the liability onto other people.
American Express has said it has shifted part of its travel business to the Internet, but will not specify how much.
The proposal would also shift part of the Medicaid cost of long-term care to local governments.
Mr. Bloomberg seemed to shift part of the blame for the school system's failure onto the city's 8-year-olds when he created this grade retention program.