After the turn of the century, the political and economic center of the island shifted to the northern shore, including New Brighton.
The agency shifted $919 million from other uses to fires, including $25.5 million for restoration on the Bitterroot.
It had a kid-friendly atmosphere, with arcade games and amusement rides, but later shifted to an adult focus, including a male revue.
Mother's headquarters would shift from place to place, including one episode where his complete office was on the top level of a double-decker bus.
In 1971, when cigarette advertising on television was banned, producers quickly shifted to other venues, including billboards, magazines, concerts and sports events.
The resort shifted its focus to its family-friendly amenities, including the golf course and spa.
His eyes shifted to study the Klingons in the room, counting seven that he could see, including one female.
Starting in 2010 the duo shifted over to a full band with three new musicians, including a new drummer.
These include shifting to other energy sources, including nuclear power, over the long run.
The 1947 plan shifted it to roughly the current alignment, including the long stretch of new corridor across the Atchafalaya Swamp.