Increasingly, however, the network cannot shield Swiss companies from a changing global economy.
But it is not easy because no one is sure what kind of policy will shield companies against liability.
In tough economic times, there is always the temptation to resort to protectionism as a means of shielding workers and companies from foreign competition.
Nonetheless, the attacks could shield companies that would have disappointed investors anyway.
But then, the White House haste might have stemmed from its desire to shield major companies from litigation.
But favorable regulations cannot shield Indian companies from the tribulations of its customers.
The Senate bill would shield companies from having to do that during a slow economy, helping them conserve cash.
Will he cave in to pressures to shield and subsidize big troubled companies?
United States negotiators said they are proposing phasing in tariff cuts to shield American companies.
German officials said U.S. lawyers appeared to have agreed on the need to shield companies from further litigation after the fund is under way.