They were taken to a shelter run by Afesip, an aid group mainly financed by Spain.
"And it does seem like if you're trying to hide from the authorities, going to a shelter run by those same authorities is a bad idea."
The groceries will be delivered to shelters run by the Partnership for the Homeless.
He began to help at homeless shelters run by the city, where he grew to know the poorest segment of the population at first-hand.
I gave him my pledge to cook each week for a homeless shelter run by his favorite local charity.
The remaining homeless families are in shelters run by the city or by private, nonprofit groups.
Two weeks earlier at the shelter, run by New Life Youth Services, the girl's suicide attempt was serious enough to put her in the hospital.
Hundreds of other homeless people normally take refuge in shelters run by the Salvation Army, churches and other private groups.
The shelter, run by New York City, was once a hospital.
Some of the women were taken to shelters run by private groups.