The clerk pointed to a sheet taped on the cage with rules against drugs, gambling, making noise or drinking anywhere except in your cubicle.
Underground films, (most notably the Flaming Creatures) were screened on white sheets taped to scaffolding.
Kalashnikov found himself looking over at the Major after he dialed the number marked in red on the sheet taped to the phone.
She practised in her cabin, sheets taped (folded neatly) over one blank wall to get the acoustics right.
The steward must have mentioned the sheets taped to the wall, because the deck officer told her they had found some cork tiles in a store; could they fix those to the offending bulkhead?
"We have the usual range of students: A's, B's, C's, D's and F's," said James F. Watts, a City College history professor, pointing to last semester's grading sheet taped on his door.
Before she'd lifted from the site, she'd jotted down the coordinates and slipped the notation under the sheet of liberated markers, taped to her console.
Pei glanced at the sheet taped to the wall of the submarine.