The calm was like a sheet stretched taut in the wind.
Behind the red building stretched a huge sheet of heavy plastic over churned-up earth: a feeding ground.
The main sheet of water stretched miles southward from the opposite point.
"My soul is a thin white sheet of parchment stretched Over a bubbling cauldron."
The air was quiet again; the sea was still and smooth, a sheet of ground glass stretching toward infinity.
All the beds were empty, the white sheets stretched military tight.
An unbroken sheet of water stretched from miles to the north clear to the southern horizon.
A dinghy sized catamaran has two thin hulls withe a sheet of canvas stretched inbetween for the crew to sit on.
For shelter, there was a fly at their backs,--a sheet of canvas stretched between two trees and angling at forty-five degrees.
A huge sheet of raspberry pink glass stretches the full length of the room as a splashback.