The people of Trantor will surely be repelled by the sheer wickedness of the deed.
If Antonio has any motive beyond sheer wickedness for urging Sebastian into the scheme, this is probably it.
I think one can identify quite easily the cause of this violence: sheer wickedness.
His violence, therefore, was more comprehensible within the political framework of Iraq; his brother's was sheer wickedness.
So horrified at the sheer wickedness of Dorigen's destructive actions, Cadderly couldn't draw his breath.
Crenshinibon felt keenly the tanar'ri's rage and the sheer wickedness that was mighty Errtu.
It was just the thing that Bert, out of sheer wickedness and love of trouble, would not have done.
An army of sheer wickedness.
They wanted my bag and they grabbed it, but then they started to beat me for no reason except sheer wickedness.
Glyneth cried out: "Smirrish, this is sheer wickedness; you know that you are supposed to stay in the basket."