Her cap or hood has a sheer veil draped over it, 1539.
Laissa watched him, watched Samae, through her sheer veil, and a moment later looked away.
He turned to the girl, seeing her face as if through a sheer veil of bloodred silk.
The dark face behind that sheer veil might have been pretty, without the expression of a judge passing sentence of death.
She wore a sheer black veil and a round maroon velvet cap over the ragged twists of her hair.
For centuries, women have worn sheer veils, but only under certain circumstances.
The hair was then covered with sheer veils or small caps.
Lanie, in white taffeta and sheer veil, stood fifty feet away, smiling calmly.
She wears a whitework cap beneath a sheer veil, 1560-65.
She wears a heart-shaped cap and a sheer veil decorated with a pattern of pearls, early 1580s.