As she stood naked before her mirror, she shook her head in disgust at the sheer ugliness of the open wounds.
She was sheer ugliness, a grotesque hag.
No one else produced an artifact of the shape, size, or sheer ugliness of Wun's bauble.
First there is the sheer ugliness of the objects: the heavy basalt carvings so crudely made.
"With the best intentions a great deal of low-cost housing fails because of cheap construction, overwhelming density and sheer ugliness," he said.
The sheer ugliness of America today is unbelievable.
He'd half-expected this, but nothing had prepared him for the sheer ugliness of Kareena's expression.
What struck me first back then, as I rolled into town on the Bladon Lines bus, was the sheer ugliness of the place.
Even the most violent film could never successfully achieve the sheer ugliness of a murder scene.
The sheer ugliness of this maniac's methods surpassed anything the Hillside Strangler had ever done.