The sheer pressure of life pushes people into having less time for each other, rather than more.
The only time that the train shifted was when two Bullet Trains passed one another, forced apart by the sheer pressure of air between them.
Tulin, too, was forced to be quiet by the sheer pressure of Marshall's authoritative glance.
One reasons that orchids are so diverse is the sheer evolutionary pressure to lure insects in.
In a moment they were all pressed back against the nearest wall, held there by the sheer pressure of his will, pinned helplessly.
Most of its bulk was liquid, though sheer pressure, despite temperature, kept solid a metallic core equal to about five Earths.
Ma Coeur must now fall through sheer brute pressure.
'All right,' echoed Magrat, hypnotised by the sheer pressure of his persistence.
Koomi swayed under the sheer pressure of anger, but rallied magnificently.
And he knew that if no release were found in another instant he would blow apart from the sheer pressure of the tension.