How quickly we'd become accustomed to new technology, capabilities that would have seemed sheer magic just ten years before.
But nothing can substitute for the sheer magic of browsing through a library's stacks.
The young Acosta was fine, with a moment of sheer magic as he seemed to hang in the air.
In a thousand years or less they pulled themselves up to our sciences, dropped them, and began working on what we'd call sheer magic.
But they are followed by scenes of sheer magic.
However, once at the stadium with all its sheer magic, he became hooked.
I chose one of the many exits at random, and came out on an avenue that was sheer magic.
For this time, with Nyrass' aid, their trip would be sheer magic.
And reality allows both men one final moment of sheer redemptive magic.
To people who had never heard the violin played to weeping perfection, a performance by Data was sheer magic.