"Thank you," he said in his cold, smooth voice, a voice that still gave me a twinge of sheer lust.
He growled, his face twisting into a mask of sheer lust.
Fire and light and the sharp saber points of desire, the wild, unsteady roll of sheer lust.
How vital, how passionate, how full of sheer lust for it all he appeared.
The wretched animal could only carry away one chicken but he bit the heads off all the others in a sheer lust of killing.
He was in a stupor, one of sheer lust.
Your face was a mask of sheer lust.
What inspired me was how precisely Zeffirelli had balanced an aching almost painful love with sheer physical lust.
Attempts to restore it are usually unsuccessful, for this sequence tends to emphasize romance while the torrid ballet is about sheer lust.
I felt a lurch of sheer lust down low.