It was the sheer grandeur of the vision.
DeVore studied her a moment, then joined her at the rail, for a time simply doing as she did-drinking in the sheer grandeur of the view.
The sheer grandeur of the place is humbling.
But in almost every work, you are swept along by Berlioz's awesome originality, the sheer grandeur of his conceptions.
A stirring spirituality permeates many of the works and testifies to the artists' faith not only in God but in the sheer grandeur of nature.
Elsewhere the sheer grandeur of her sound had an electrifying effect on the orchestra.
Impossible not to marvel at the sheer grandeur of the system!
His mind recoiled from those teeth, from the sheer grandeur of speed and distance and size.
Evaluated and modified several times by a special commission, the plans finally shelved owing to the sheer grandeur of the project.
Struck once more by the sheer grandeur of the place, Lan silently cared for the bay.