There is the sheer expanse of a country that spans 11 time zones.
Leaning through an embrasure, he peered down past the slots in the stone for setting hoardings, down the sheer expanse of stone to the drymoat far below.
It was always a stretch that Merle would just happen to find the Grimes Gang again, considering the sheer lonely expanse in the new zombie-infested world.
Likewise did spaciousness, the sheer expanse of carpet.
In Midtown a 551-unit condominium going up at 350 West 42nd Street will be cloaked in a sheer expanse of glass.
The H'ani Mine was nestled beneath one of these sheer expanses of rock, and the buildings seemed insignificant and incongruous in this place.
The extent of it; the sheer expanse... Garak rested his hand against the wall and stared at the water.
The sheer expanse of the maps drew praise from Ken Rolston of Dragon magazine, although he criticized their lack of personality and utility.
Green Field From the pastoral name to the valet parking to its sheer expanse, Green Field does not feel as if it's in New York City.
Everywhere they were faced with sheer inward curving expanses; nowhere was there a way up to the plateau.