Blade refused to believe this was sheer carelessness.
This modern style is sheer carelessness.
It was sheer carelessness on our part that we lost it again after you had returned to Europe.
I never even took his temperature, and I can't forgive myself, because it was sheer carelessness.
It was unthinkable that one of their number should be guilty of nearly killing a patient through sheer carelessness.
He did not want to put the matter to a test out of sheer carelessness.
Deaths in training still hap-pened, and most of the time through sheer carelessness.
Real spacemen avoided the Sun, and if one of them got burned, it was a mark of sheer carelessness.
Or misdate Shakespeare by a century out of sheer carelessness?
If it did not know, it was sheer carelessness.